What does starting a business mean to you?

business coaching Aug 02, 2023

As a small business owner myself I’ve often wondered what drives other people to start their own business. I recently came across a blog post referencing a small business survey from Cox business in the US. The survey showed that only eight percent of respondents stated that they run their business for the purpose of making large amounts of money. This may seem surprising to some, but as a small business owner myself I don’t find it surprising at all! 

Of course you need money for a business to survive and thrive but, less surprisingly to me at least, almost two thirds of the survey respondents felt that one of the prime motivators of owning a business is to be their own boss and be the creator of something.

I think building a business is a creative process, and when it’s based on something you love, it can be really rewarding. You get to help it grow while being surrounded by what you enjoy most.

For me this is the essence of why I do it - my Knitting For All business allows me to pursue my creativity, surround myself with creative people and pass creativity and skills to others

But for you it might be different! So what does starting a business mean to you? - Becoming financially free, the freedom that comes with being your own boss, or being able to do something you love all day long? I'm sure there are a myriad reasons!

Whatever it means to you, we at Knitting For All are here to help you meet your goals. If you’d like a free informal discussion email us at [email protected] We would love to hear from you.


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