Five reasons to teach your child to knit this summer

kids knit knitting Jun 24, 2021

1: Enjoy time Together. Teaching your child to knit is a wonderful activity that you can both enjoy together. Set aside time to collect up some supplies and then find a nice, shady place to sit and begin knitting.

2: Keep their little brains learning. The school books might get put away in the holidays, but the learning doesn’t need to stop. Your children won’t even realise they are learning maths, spacial recognition, dexterity and creative skills while they are making something out of yarn and pair of sticks!

3: Time for Consolidation. Learning to knit takes effort and time. With weeks and weeks of school holidays ahead of you, there will be plenty of time to learn and consolidate new found skills.

4: Meaningful and wholesome alternative to screens. Do you worry about the amount of time your children spend looking at tablets, computers or the tv? Be pro-active about this problem and help them discover how fun and creative knitting really is.

5: Sow seeds of confidence for the future. It may take a little perseverance to get going with the basics of knitting, but once your child can do it, the effect on their confidence levels will be dramatic. They will start to see themselves as capable and creative, not just in knitting, but in many other areas of their lives.


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