Classes, workshops and events for adults
Being creative is good for you! The rhythmic nature of knitting calms the mind, settles the body and soothes the soul...
Whether you're looking for a weekly Knit Night, one-off workshop, short course or a private lesson, our Accredited Knitting For All Teachers offer a variety of Knit Night & Day options to suit.
Complete beginners are always welcome at our Knit Nights. Speak to your teacher in advance to find out what to bring along with you. And for those wishing to tackle more advanced skills, talk to your teacher to find out what workshops and tutorials they have on offer.
Relaxed and informal weekly gatherings. Bring your own projects or join in with our popular Topic Evenings
Learn to knit from scratch or try more advanced skills at our workshops and short courses.
Invite a Knitting For All teacher round to your house and throw a knitting party for you and your friends.
What people say
"I’ve only been coming to Knit Night & Day for 2 or 3 months but have already managed to knit a couple of things I feel quite proud of due to the advice, expertise and kindness of the teacher and the other more experienced knitters. Knit Night is a lovely relaxed time in which I’ve been able to learn a new skill with good company, lots of ideas and cake!" Karine, Edinburgh
Benefits of knitting
Every knitter knows the joy that knitting brings. Just squidging some lovely hand dyed alpaca yarn and giving it a sniff relaxes us and makes us feel good! But just in case you need a reminder – here are just six of ...
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Have a chat with one of our Accredited Knitting For All teachers to see what classes, workshops and parties they offer in your area.